Yesterday went quite well. Sally had a pretty good day considering. She slept a lot which is good. About 4 pm a close friend brought in a bunch of KFC, so we had a very nice treat. She slept pretty good last night but she got up in the middle of the night feeling hungry and so she had a snack and then played on the computer for awhile and then went back to bed.
This morning she gave me a little scare though. I guess at first I must have been half awake myself as I didn't realize something was wrong. The phone rang and Sally answered it, or at least I thought she did, but she didn't say anything. I heard some clicks so I thought it was one of those recordings that have you press buttons to answer questions. But after awhile there was nothing so I got up to see what was happening. She still had the phone to her ear but wasn't saying anything. I tried to pull the phone from her hand but she wouldn't let me and she even held up her other hand signaling to let her be. So I figured a recording was still playing. A little later she hung up the phone, although only putting it partly on on the cradle. Shortly the phone rang again but she didn't answer it so I got up to answer it which is when I discovered it was only half way in the cradle. The caller wanted to speak to Sally, so I tried to wake her. Then is when I became really concerned. She was incoherent! When I asked her a question, all she would say was "what?" I couldn't figure out what was wrong so I called the doctor who said she was probably low on blood sugar. Duh!!! So I gave her some glucose tablets. After awhile she started responding and then ate some breakfast and then took the blood sugar test which was normal again. She's sleeping again now, but I'm going to keep closer track of her blood sugar from now on.
Keep in touch for more exciting episodes!