Monday, March 16, 2009


Sunday morning, March 15th, after breakfast, Sally was hurting pretty bad and it just wouldn't go away. So I took her to the Emergency Room here at the Mt Vernon hospital. The doctor said he thought she had a hernia and transferred her to the hospital in Tyler where a surgeon was on duty. (She may have gotten the hernia by lifting a case of food at the cannery.) Tyler is about a one and a half hours drive from Mt Vernon.

After she got settled the surgeon came in and discussed the findings from the Xrays, etc. and arranged to perform the surgery. Then she was taken to the OR and a few hours later brought back to her room. The doctor said everything went well and that he was glad that we came in as quickly as we did because the hernia wasn't strangulated yet but it would have been if we had waited much longer which could have caused other problems too.

This took all day and I was plenty tired by the time I got home about 11 pm.

Today, Monday, when I got here she was a little groggy but she said that the doctor had been in and told her it would be a few days before she could go home depending on how well she recovers.

I've spent a lot of time today working on this blog and, you got it, that's what I'm doing right now. I think I'll go home a little earlier tonight.

Coco, our dog, sure misses Sally. He just mopes around and runs to the door whenever he hears a noise that might be her. Too bad he can't understand when I tell him she won't be home for a few days. He understands a lot but I guess that's a little much.